The Law of Collateral Damage 4. under the civil service reform act of 1978 a federal employee who is authorized to take, direct other to take, recommend or approve any personnel action may influence anyone to withdraw from competing for a job to help or hurt the employment prospect of another person? complaints filed with the office of special counsil may be filed online or submitted by mail. on the pretest, you won't on JKO Sere 100.2 Pre Test Answers sere 100 answer key.pdf FREE PDF. we provide treatment as if handling our own. -Planting fictitious units via false information.-Putting up dummy installations.-False communication transmissions.-Using a small force to simulate a larger unit. Select all that apply. The principle of Proportionality obligates military commanders to consider the expected incidental harms from planned attacks, but also the consequences of other military options as well. Which two of the following persons are exempt from attack? What does US National Security Policy need? Which two of the following cultural centers are most likely to qualify under the 1954 Hague Cultural Property Convention? Protecting the right of free expression for peoples in conflict. False To be effective, both parties to a conflict must agree to recognize the establishment of protected areas. 4) Humanity. The principles of the Law of War are part of international laws but are not spelled out explicitly. Commanders are responsible for developing and issuing ROE. The act of defending from a hostile act or hostile intent that is committed against: The US. US forces. In certain circumstances, US citizens and their property, and US commercial assets. What is the purpose of the Law of War principles? 2) A new contemporary arts center A museum containing artifacts and historical writings. Members of non-state armed groups and civilians that directly take part in hostilities. Select all that apply. Welcome to JKO. iii . He was the first conviction of genocide by an international court and sexual violence as an act of genocide. This article will provide you with all the questions and answers to Law of War (LOW). The Law of War principle of Honor influences the conduct of activities by encouraging refrain from taking advantage of the adversary's adherence to the Law of War and to encourage combatants to act in good faith in non-hostile relations. What is a limitation of Article 14 of the 1977 Additional Protocol II to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 in the context of this conflict? When a state of war exists, the parties to a conflict involved must comply with ____________________. The Joint Chiefs worried that if employed as a defense at court-martial for disobedience, the government could not overcome the defense of compliance with more. The Law of War may overlap, or be included within, other bodies or types of international law. The white flag is the official flag of the UN, and therefore improper handling of it is against the UN charter. leaders around the world began to realize that unlimited warfare was counterproductive to most objectives. "that part of war that regulates the conduct of armed hostilities.". When civilians or civilian objects are at risk of harm. What are the four groups that fall under the category of combatants? Dan tak ada tanda-tanda siapa orang yang telah memanggilnya, terlebih lagi situasinya semakin buruk saat ia diserang. Which of the following describes actions that are considered taking direct part in hostilities? It provides guidance on the inherent right of self-defense and the application of force for mission accomplishment. Which of the following rules pertain to law enforcement and security duties? -Members of non-state armed groups and civilians that directly take part in hostilities, more, What are the Law of War principles? The Law of War does not permit wanton destruction. - not now! T. Unlock the answer. Start studying Joint Staff No Fear Act - PreTest JKO. -The law of military occupation. These data are contained in the file Houston. Presidential approval is the only authorization that allows these weapons to be used. Joint Staff Law of War - (2.5 hrs) Flashcards | Quizlet Joint Staff Law of War - (2.5 hrs) Term 1 / 28 The Law of War principle of Honor influences the conduct of activities by encouraging refrain from taking advantage of the adversary's adherence to the Law of War and to encourage combatants to act in good faith in non-hostile relations. bryson_sane. Chemical and biological weapons are considered a "treacherous means of warfare" and are prohibited under the law of war. Accordingly, some nations asserted the law of war was not triggered by all instances of armed conflict. what rules dictate our handling of detainees/EPWs? joint staff law of war pretest answers jko . They would threaten to kill the child's family, or others in the reintegration camp. Jcornett7. Respect for their physical and moral integrity. Human Rights Law deals with individual rights against abuses by their government, while the Law of War regulates the conduct of hostilities. \text{Owner's equity:}&&&\\ Human Rights Law is the "lex specialis," or controlling, body of law for U.S. armed forces in armed conflict. Data were collected on the amount spent by 64 customers for lunch at a major Houston restaurant. Which two of the following are true about the principle of Military Necessity? Military necessity is based upon nature, location, purpose and use. A commander has the authority and obligation to use all necessary means available and to take all appropriate action to defend that commander's unit and other US forces in the vicinity from a hostile act or a demonstration of hostile intent. 1) It does not justify prohibited actions Gravity. Environmental Management System (EMS) Questions and Answers. Human Rights Law deals with individual rights against abuses by their government, while the Law of War regulates the conduct of hostilities. In 1994, the CJCS issued the first Standing Rules of Engagement (SROE). The Joint Staff Law of War Pretest is an online examination that tests the understanding of the law of war by service members and civilian employees of the Department of Defense. 1) Using civilians to shield or make a military object immune from attack. answer. (The Principle of Honor, pg. Scholar Assignments are your one stop shop for all your assignment help needs.We include a team of writers who are highly experienced and thoroughly vetted to ensure both their expertise and professional behavior. Purpose: This issuance: Establishes policy and assigns responsibilities for the DoD Law of War Program. Misuse of the protected emblems, perfidy & war crimes. 1/4 of One Swiss Franc per Full Work Day. Parties to a conflict are required to direct their operations only against combatants and military objectives and will be discriminate in nature. -An object which by its nature, location, purpose, or use makes an effective contribution to the enemy's military action, -The partial or total destruction, capture, or neutralization of the object offers a definite military advantage. What international law(s) of war did Francois Bozize Violate? The US prohibits the use of any laser in order to cause blindness, though collateral injury sustained in the scope of their intended duty is seen as acceptable. 1) Displaying a white flag of truce while attacking the enemy2) Fighting in the enemy's uniform. -The law of military occupation. [FREE] Joint Staff Law Of War 2.5 Hrs Pretest Answers | HOT. Are combatants protected under the law of war? What are the three exceptions to terrorists insurgents, saboteurs, and partisans not being protected under the law of war? -True The Law of War is formed from written law contained in treaties and customary international law. Which two of the following persons are exempt from attack? Copyright 2014-2023 & All Rights Reserved. A Possible answers 1 A word processor is a computer program which manipulates text and produces documents suitable for printing. What are the parameters set by the ROE for a commander? Which of the following statements does NOT describe the purposes of the Law of War? 2) It justifies the use of overwhelming force, but not wanton destruction. US national security policy is guided, in part, by the need to maintain a stable international environment compatible with US national security interests. 4) Humanity Explain distinction when dealing with the principles of the law of war. When a commander is developing actions against the enemy, the principle of military mandates that:The commander be able to articulate a military requirement, select a measure to achieve it, and ensure neither violates LoW.The Rendulic Rule is a judicial judgement that evaluates the legality of a commander's actions by understanding that:A commander must assess the legality of an action based on the information available at the time and cannot be judged based on information that subsequently comes to light.LoW specifically prohibits the use of autonomous weapons due to the lack of human input and judgement.FalseHow does LoW apply to non-lethal/less-lethal weapons?LoW does not prohibit or specifically address non-lethal weapons, so such weapons are governed by customary rules applied to traditional weapons.How does LoW perceive the use of cyber weapons?Cyber capabilities may be preferable to kinetic weapons because their effects may be reversible and may accomplish military goals without destructive kinetic effects.Describe one of the ways US forces comply with LoW's principle of distinction.By having all its personnel wear distinguishing uniforms and insignia,When are the forces allowed to engage unprivileged belligerents during a conflict?Once the unprivileged belligerents are collectively declared hostile by an appropriate authority.LoW principle of proportionality explicitly prohibits civilian casualties during a conflict.FalseWhat term is the way for commanders to adhere to LoW by weighing risk of collateral damage against military necessity and proportionality within the framework of the military decision-making progress?Collateral Damage Estimation Methodology (CDM)What type of Roles of Engagement (ROE) is a document published as an attachment to the Air Tasking Order (ATO), which provides procedural and additional instructions to tactical forces?Special Instructions (SPINS)Which list has "properties which may not be struck under any circumstances without a commander's approval"?No-Strike List (NSL)The product of the Collateral Damage Estimation Methodology (CDM) is known as the __________.Collateral Damage Estimation (CDE)What tragic incident happened as described in the Kunduz Afghanistan case study that compelled US forces to re-evaluate how tactical operations are supported and conducted?The Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors without Borders) trauma center was mistakenly targeted in an airstrike.What primary piece of information was lacking that led to the attack on the medical clinic?The clinics locational data was not loaded into the no-strike list database aboard the aircraft.How did Doctors without Borders unintentionally contribute to the tragic incident?The clinic failed to display the internationally recognized symbol for hospitals on the roof of their facility. 1) Military personnel exclusively assigned to, and engaged in, medical or chaplain duties2) Staff of voluntary aid societies belonging to a neutral country. What is the primary focus of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949? Treachery is a means of injuring the enemy through his adherence to the law of war. However, these weapons have the capacity to seriously injure or kill if improperly employed. Define detainees and EPW's and do they have rights under the Geneva Convention? marines collect and care for the wounded, whether friends or foe.5. more. . The Marine Corps defines small arms ammunition as those of 40mm size and below. Best decision ever. The Law of Targeting 3. 49 terms. Explain land mines and booby traps when discussing weapons and the law of war. -Members of the armed forces.-Members of a regular militia or volunteer units.-Members of guerrilla units.-Levee en Masse (members of a non-occupied nation who take up arms against an enemy). Units deployed overseas for training exercises may be limited to use of force only in self defense, reinforcing the training rather than combat nature of the mission. Are terrorists, insurgents, saboteurs, and partisans protected under the law of war? Initial Tactical question of detainees may be conducted by any DoD personnel, but interrogations may be conducted only by trained interrogators. Explain chemical and biological weapons when discussing weapons and the law of war. Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty 1968 (NPT). For each of the items (a) The Law of War does not permit wanton destruction. Upgrade to Quizlet Go to unlock ad-free studying, Night Theme and offline Quizlet Plus is available free for 7 days, so it's easy to try before you buy to make sure it helps you pass your test, finish your. (The Law of War, pg. -National Self Defense-Collective Self Defense-Unit and Individual Self Defense. Mission command Seize, retain and exploit the initiative What tragic incident happened - as described in the Kunduz Afghanistan case study - that compelled US forces to re-evaluate how tactical operations are supported and conducted?The Medecins Sans Frontires (Doctors Without Borders) trauma center was mistakenly targeted in an airstrike.What primary piece of information was lacking that led to the attack on the medical clinic?The clinic's locational data was not loaded into the no-strike list database aboard the aircraft.How did Doctors Without Borders unintentionally contribute to the tragic incident?The clinic failed to display the internationally recognized symbol for hospitals on the roof of their facility. The Joint Staff Law of War Pretest Answers includes questions on the following topics: -The law of armed conflict -The law of neutrality -The law of blockade, 1) Displaying a white flag of truce while attacking the enemy 2) Fighting in the enemy's uniform What document establishes authorized procedures for interrogating detainees? common customary practices started to become internationally accepted acts, justifies the use of all measures needed to defeat the enemy as quickly and efficiently as possible in order to defeat the enemy as quickly and as efficiently as possible in order to achieve victory, requires us to weigh the anticipated concrete and direct military advantage of an attack against incidental loss of civilian life, ensuring that our decisions and actions minimize unnecessary suffering to the enemy as well as to any civilians and non-combatants involved, combatants must be distinguished from noncombatants and military objectives from protected places. -The law of neutrality. All detainees have rights under the Geneva Convention that guide us in their handling. Spies are not a protected party under the law of war. Individual military members can claim enemy property they find on the battlefield. The Law of War principle of Honor influences the conduct of activities by encouraging refrain from taking advantage of the adversary's adherence to the Law of War and to encourage combatants to act in good faith in non-hostile relations. 1) Military Necessity Explain de-escalate when talking about the three principles of self defense. What does the ROE ensure when talking about political purposes? For the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: WILLIAM E. GORTNEY Armed Forces in time of war or national emergency and such other times as the national. Portions of the introductory material are not classified as SECRET and may be available at your unit for training purposes. Which two of the following persons are exempt from attack? What are the three levels of self defense? As a member of the US Armed Forces, the Law of War helps you make the lawful decisions of war in difficult circumstances that arise in armed conflict. Level 1 Anti-terrorism Awareness Training (JKO) Pre-Test - Quizlet Start studying Level 1 Anti-terrorism Awareness Training (JKO) Pre-Test. What is the publication number of the new SROE and what did it add? -To work as interdependent and reinforcing parts of a coherent system of rules, -To help provide an interpretation of the written Law of War, -To animate potential new rules that could be incorporated into new treaties to address new developments or novel issues that arise during warfare, -To help provide clarification and interpretation of the many conventions, treaties, and protocols that are part of the Law of War. marines do their best to prevent _____ of the law of war, and report. violations; all violations to their superiors, 1. marines fight only enemy combatants2. Which of the following statements does NOT describe the purposes of the Law of War? more. The Joint Staff Law of War Pretest consists of 50 questions covering a range of law of war topics, including the following: - The law of armed conflict - The Geneva Conventions - The Hague Conventions - Human rights - War crimes The pretest can be taken in English or Spanish, and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. At 99%99 \%99% confidence, what is the margin of error? "[d]irectives issued by competent military authority that delineate the circumstances and limitations under which United States forces will initiate and/or continue combat engagement with other forces encountered.". . directives issued by competent military authority that delineate the circumstances and limitations under which United States forces will initiate and/or continue combat engagement with other forces encountered, provides guidance on the inherent right of self-defense and the application of force for mission accomplishment; provides a common template for development and implementation of ROE for the full range of operations from peace to war, applies to all U.S. forces responding to military attacks within the U.S., to all military operations outside the U.S.,and to domestic support operations (RUF). The two elements of the Principle of Proportionality are Justification in acting, and __________________?. -Provide implementation guidance on the application of force for mission accomplishment.-Ensure the proper exercise of the inherent right of self-defense. Spies are defined as those who act under false pretenses in order to obtain information and communicate that information back to a hostile or potentially hostile party. What rule in international law specifically applies to rape and sexual violence? 3) Distinction. (The Law of War, pg. 1) A center square containing monuments representing ancient cultures2) A museum containing artifacts and historical writings. remove all weapons and items of possible intelligence from the detainee, do not allow detainees to converse with one another to prevent collaboration, allow no further actions against them; ensure they receive the same protection as our Marines, separate 1) males and females, 2) enlisted and officer, and 3) religions/cultures, ensure the proper process is conducted as quickly as possible, expediting the individual to the next stage of questioning/processing asap, supervise proper documentation of their capture and ensure all the information collected arrives to the proper personnel in your unit, buildings/structures that are not considered valid military targets; include1) hospitals2) churches3) mosques. TABLE OF CONTENTS iii 1 PAGE 2 3 . The foundation for the Department's views appeared in the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) classified reviews of Additional Protocol I in 1982 and more. more. Once military necessity dictates that we engage, we must do so but in conjunction with the following principles. Posts about Joint Staff Law Of War Quizlet written by Bernd Pulch Joint Staff Counterintelligence Awareness And Reporting Answers, Joint Staff Composite Risk Management, Joint Staff Comptroller, Joint Staff Directorates, Joint Staff Dod, Joint Staff Doctrine, Joint Staff Dictionary, Joint Staff Dom, Joint Staff Department, Joint Staff more. \hspace{5pt}\text{Drawing}&&&\\ The use of capabilities oriented functional task forces, such as special operations and counter improvised explosive device (IED) task forces, is a significant evolution in joint task force organization. Explain declared hostile forces when talking about PID. 4. True. What are the three global objectives of National Security? 12 nov. 2019 15 Joint Publication 3-63, Detainee Operations. According to the Child Soldier Protocol what is the minimum age for compulsory recruitment? It will require: (1) developing an in-depth understanding of ISIL's narratives and why they resonate with target audiences, (2) building a whole of government team that can effectively counter and replace ISIL narratives with a strategic communications plan that directly supports our desired end states, (3) globally employing counter-narratives Which one of the answers below is not one of the three categories of Law of War treaties to which the United States is party? How does Human Rights Law differ from the Law of War? What are exceptions to be able to attack protected places? - ) AcceptableCasualties 8 dec 2020 baseButton.copy Pinterest Joint Staff Law of War (2.5 hrs) and of not now! T. Unlock the answer. The Joint Staff Law of War Pretest consists of 50 questions covering a range of law of war topics, including the following: - The law of armed conflict - The Geneva Conventions - The Hague Conventions - Human rights - War crimes The pretest can be taken in English or Spanish, and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. True/False: International Law allows states to recruit minors (under 18 years) into their armed forces. Under the Rome Statute of the ICC Rape is classified as a: Which is not an act committed by Japanese Unit 731? What are the Law of War principles? True Which two of the following persons are exempt from attack? What laws of war were violated by Francois Bozize? The 1868 Declaration of St. Petersburg and the Hague Conventions of 1899. The Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) approves ROE for US forces. Assassination is the act of specifically targeting a predominant person, usually an important political figure, to kill. The SROE is a SECRET document and not available for public distribution. The Law of War principle of Honor influences the conduct of activities by encouraging refrain from taking advantage of the adversary's adherence to the Law of War and to encourage combatants to act in good faith in non-hostile relations.-True. Each geographic Combatant Commander is given the authority to request new ROE or restrict current ROE for their specific theater, but all restrictions on SECDEF approved ROE/RUF require notification to SECDEF. -The law of prisoners of war. Explain riot control agents when discussing weapons and the law of war. ROE provide parameters within which the commander must operate in order to accomplish its assigned mission. 1 pretest answers level 1 anti terrorism awareness test answers for tccc mp 1708 naemt org spectrum math grade 7 chapter 5 pretest answer key phtls practice test questions and answers 2022 2023 verified answers joint staff law of war pretest answers malcolmmackillop spectrum math grade 7 chapter 6 pretest answer key get the up to date stable . Start studying Joint Staff No Fear Act - PreTest JKO. 1) Military personnel exclusively assigned to, and engaged in, medical or chaplain duties 2) Staff of voluntary aid societies belonging to a neutral country Students also viewed Joint Staff Law of War - (2.5 hrs) 28 terms Sgood94 Joint Staff Law of War (JS-US074) 32 terms paul_m__luzier, more. What are the Law of War principles? -The law of targeting. (The Principle of Honor, pg. What are the four characteristics of a combatant? more, more. funding3. In addition to applying to the conduct of hostilities, the Law of War also applies to duties during peacetime and occupation. They must:-Wear a distinguishable or distinct uniform.-Openly carry arms.-Act under a distinguishable leader while they themselves operate under the law of war. law of war advanced pretest answersaiken county sc register of deeds law of war advanced pretest answers . more. To be effective, both parties to a conflict must agree to recognize the establishment of protected areas. The Law of War principle of Honor influences the conduct of activities by encouraging refrain from taking advantage of the adversary's adherence to the Law of War and to encourage combatants to act in good faith in non-hostile relations. enforcing all federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, reprisal or retaliation providing oversight and coordination of all federal equal employment opportunity regulations, practices, and policies. The Joint Staff Law of War Pretest consists of 50 questions covering a range of law of war topics, including the following: - The law of armed conflict - The Geneva Conventions - The Hague Conventions - Human rights - War crimes The pretest can be taken in English or Spanish, and takes approximately 60 minutes to complete. Conducted only by trained interrogators age for compulsory recruitment, and partisans not being protected under the Geneva Convention guide... 2019 15 joint staff law of war pretest quizlet publication 3-63, Detainee operations what are the parameters set the... Artifacts and historical writings Sere 100.2 Pre Test Answers Sere 100 answer FREE... Cultural centers are most likely to qualify under the 1954 Hague cultural Convention. Law differ from the Law of war so but in conjunction with the principles of the following cultural centers most! Treacherous means of injuring the enemy through his adherence to the child 's family, or be within. 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