These include depriving someone of their sleep, keeping them cold and hungry, actual bodily harm through violent behaviour. He is based in Los Angeles. Are you really in charge of your actions? Which brings us to the seventh step. Induced Dependency - Cults demand absolute, unquestioning devotion, loyalty and submission. . I was appointed to a position called a Ministerial Servant and came very close to being appointed as an Elder, which is the highest position of leadership within a congregation. Christianity was once a cult, as was Islam. And if thats the case, then chances are youre being indoctrinated. A colloquial term, it is more generally applied to any technique designed to manipulate human thought or action against the desire, will, or knowledge of the individual. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Thank you, my friend. is apt to be relegated to the bad and the impure. Welcome to IndoctriNation: A weekly podcast covering cults, manipulators, and protecting yourself from systems of control. Author Douglas Rushkoff lists 20 common steps of indoctrination in destructive cults. Hyde Park couple turns cult experience into support group. It is my personal belief and opinion that this religion is a cult in the truest sense of the word. A destructive cult uses countless techniques to get its members to stay, commit themselves and take part in what may be harmful activities. How is this connected with indoctrination? Persuade your recruit to renounce family, friends - anyone who offers a reality check. Words and experiences can be so powerful and so helpful. It is our earnest wish that the information in this article was presented in a clear enough manner to be of assistance to you or anyone that may be mentally struggling with the fallout of being a mind control victim of indoctrination or a brainwashing cult. the effects on the victim or aftermath once leaving the cult or relationship. 9. Any special talents the member has are immediately devalued and criticized in order to confuse the member's sense of self-worth. Theyll make sure that youll no longer have anything else to do except go to their meetings and attend their seminars. The following techniques are currently being used and enforced all over our world as you read these words. A parishioner regularly goes to the confession booth to confess their sins to the Father behind the cold metal divider, gets the assignment of how many Hail Marys to utter that will atone their sins, and the person goes on with their day. Nato Lagidze Another way cults manipulate people is by manipulating their finances. Charity Norman is the author of See You In September, a novel about a young woman lured into the clutches of a doomsday cult. Thought reform is an umbrella term for any number of manipulative techniques used to get people to do something they wouldn't otherwise do. Intensive Outpatient Alcohol Treatment Effective Non 12 Step Alternatives to AA. Our hope is that the information presented in this article is explained clearly and becomes a source of help to anyone brave enough to consider reprogramming their mind in order to find true mental and psychological freedom. It emerged from somewhere deep in childhood; it was about both mirroring and splitting. In the second criteria [Mystical Manipulation], it was explained how the Governing Body at the organizations headquarters is viewed as being the direct line to Gods holy spirit and direction. Thats how you can avoid being indoctrinated. 6 replies to The Steps of Indoctrination. Members are told what to eat, what to wear, how to feed their children, when to sleep the member is removed from all decision-making. But I hope you can understand that none of this is true. gued in The Mind Manipulators, indoctrination within "cults" represents a "non-instance" of true coercive persuasion because, although elements of . Today's guests Joyce Short and Nina Lucas represent the organization known as The Consent Awareness Network, which is fighting for sexual abuse survivors by codifying consent in our penal codes as a freely given . Cults are dangerous because they typically rely on . The effects of indoctrination and brainwashing from a cult or religion can last a lifetime, even if the victim is able to wake up from its severe mental grasp. But these days, brainwashing can take many forms, and it doesnt always happen in a cult or with a charismatic leader. The goal may be to make them. Thats because they know that if theyre able to make their members feel guilty about leaving them, theyre going to have a hard time doing so. If so, chances are high that you used to believe that some things were true and others were wrong, but now you have a different view of the world. But, Remski continues. Seeking inappropriate. If neutrinos have mass, where are all the slow ones? You arent alone, See Images By Americas First War Photographer. The leader typically controls every minute of a member's waking time. It was originally formulated in 1881 by Charles Taze Russell and has gone through several major changes and revisions since then. They reminded him of his Catholic upbringing, one filled with violence and abuse, yet, as he says of Roach, represented a demilitarized, more feminine version of the robes of my childhood. Early repression in church left Remski hollow, vacant, setting him up for indoctrination under Roachs care. Brainwashing is often thought of as a tool for dictators, religious leaders, and cult leaders to operate. You receive these rewards by serving and spreading your ideas to others. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. While the U.S. keeps no formal log of every alleged cult in the country, up to 10,000 cults currently exist today, Steve Eichel of the International Cultic Studies Association told CBS. For that, we can follow a convenient eight step process. {notificationOpen=false}, 2000);" x-data="{notificationOpen: false, notificationTimeout: undefined, notificationText: ''}">. wrote an article discussing how black and white thinking can poison your perspective and life. Scientologists often target celebrities for recruitment due to their influence and wealth. Lacey Wood says: January 24, 2022 at 8:19 am. This insane reasoning is again based on the Watchtowers biblical perception and understanding. If this is the case, then youre probably being indoctrinated. The Goal Every cult has a stated, vague and metaphorical goal. That's a big subject, but as a potted guide here are eight steps to mind control. Cult tactics include inducing fears and phobias (strong, irrational fears) in group members to allow the leadership to maintain control. This is where trauma enters. Some adjust well to it after a period of time, embracing their new role as "group member" and casting aside their old sense of independence. Why? 8. Writing about recent trends in the movie industry is her other hobby, alongside music, art, culture, and social influences. So this is the process of my research this week! means of exploiting, rather than offering solace for, these vulnerabilities My awakening process happened prior to stumbling across Steven Hassan, Americas leading cult expert, and his beautifully written works that wouldve been of great value to me. As he puts it, A certain amount of metaphysical thinking sets you up for that to compensate for the structural inequalities in your life. In his dreamscape Roach was all good, all powerful, an apt comparison to the members of Buddhafield that loved Michels ballet lessons, his open talks of sexuality (well, not that open), his shirtless body twirling and swimming in the Los Angeles sunshine. Charles Manson talked his followers into committing brutal murders; members of Heaven's Gate made cheerful videos for their families before their mass suicide - believing they were to be taken to the next level on a spaceship that was hiding behind Hale-Bopp comet. It took me a very long time to completely reprogram my heart and my critical thinking techniques. There are cults that are huge and religions that are small. Indoctrination is the process of inculcating a person with ideas, attitudes, cognitive strategies or professional methodologies (see doctrine).. And most importantly, its not like theyre in need of this money. The member may be deprived of adequate sustenance and/or sleep so the mind becomes muddled. As a mother of two daughters entering adolescence, I welcome and applaud your voice, your story, and your work to be the change on behalf of girls in our society, Marcia! Theyre just manipulating you. Has holding tightly to this two witness rule ever gotten the Watchtower in trouble? The idea behind information manipulation is that individuals are not always aware of what they are being influenced by and how they are being influenced. Many, Remski says, are simply looking for room and board, an example featured in the Hulu series, The Path, about an ayahuasca-drinking cult in upstate New York. Marshall Herff Applewhite, who founded the organization known as Heaven's Gate, led 38 others in a mass suicide near San Diego. The main character, Tyler Durden, tells his followers that they can do anything but not everything at the same time. The reason why groups tend to make their members obey is the shared desire to maintain group consensus. There are (effectively) tax-free institutions that aren't considered to be religions. But even with good intentions, if a group or organization that you belong to is made up of the following defined criteria, then it is absolutely using brainwashing mind control techniques to indoctrinate you. If the global Armageddon that is described in The Apostle Johns Revelation were to happen today, it is the belief of this entire organization that 99.887% of the planet would be destroyed, leaving approximately 0.112893539474% of the people alive; Jehovahs Witnesses. Having strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes my religion or organization use this technique? Recovery from a cult experience does not occur as a result of outside initiative. But remember: if youre still not convinced that youve been brainwashed, then its probably because your mind has been changed without your permission. How a cult-recovery therapist helps former NXIVM members regain their independence: 'There's a huge amount of fear and loss'. 1. They will make you feel like youre a bad person if you break their rules, or if your actions contradict their beliefs. Is there ever such a thing as too much of anything? In 2010, I was finally completely awake. But is there such a thing as too much of a good thing? They will tell you that they know whats best for you because theyve been through life and know whats going on in the world better than anybody else. A person who joins a cult thinks he can leave whenever he wants, but in reality, his commitment to the group is supposed to be indefinite. A woman born into David Berg's Children of God recalled this technique as a "wave of peace and love". by Groups like ISIS don't use just violence to get their messages across, they use psychological techniques to recruit and keep members. If this is the case, then Im sure that youre being either indoctrinated or brainwashed. Yes, faith can bring some joy in our life. the features of the group or relationship. Tell mehow many pedophiles in the history of our world do you think have ever committed the heinous crime in front of a third person besides himself/herself and the child, or have ever thought to themselves,You know, if Im ever questioned about molesting that child, Im definitely going to confess to the crime because its such a disgusting and unspeakable thing to do? The Watchtower can publish as many articles that they want professing to be adamantly against child molestation and viewing it as disgusting. The gloves start to come off. Only after leaving Roach and, later, Andersons group, could he understand that he had been starving even though food was right in front of him. 211334SharesSubject and Expectation: In this third installment recounting his experiences growing up as a Jehovahs Witness, The Small Town Humanist ventures further into his, Evolve From Within: The Philosophy of Humanism Theory and Atheism, Part Two: How Cults Use Brainwashing and Mind Control Techniques to Achieve Indoctrination, Part One: My Inspiring Comeback Story of Escape From the Most Dangerous Religious Cult in the World Jehovahs Witnesses, Part Two: Escape From the Worlds Most Dangerous Cult My Confusing Childhood as One of Jehovahs Witnesses, Part Three: Escape From the Worlds Most Dangerous Cult My Time as a Jehovahs Witness Ministerial Servant and an Introduction to the Three Men That Took My Life, Reason Number One Why Religion is Toxic and Harmful The Business of Religion, How You Can Help to Change the Whole World Be a Better Parent, Part One: How Cults Use Brainwashing and Mind Control Techniques to Achieve Indoctrination, Part Five: The Storm Being Removed From the Jehovahs Witness Religion, Reason Number Two Why Religion is Toxic and Harmful Breeds Traumatic Levels of Fear-based Guilt and Shame. Have you ever been told that if you leave the cult, youll be punished? Parents should look for radical changes in their college student's beliefs and demeanor, Rockwell said. About. Jehovahs Witnesses have one unalterable rule that they simply refuse to compromise on. Just make sure it's positive, good, and harmless. So lets put all of this into perspective. environment They [the group] are the agents chosen (by history, by God, or Judaism, Buddhism, the countless local faiths now lumped under the term Hinduismall cults. They want to convince us that we cant be held responsible for our actions because the outside world is always changing and we cant keep up with it. The member is loved again when he renounces those doubts and submits to the will of the leader. For enlisted personnel, this process occurs during Army Basic Training, Navy Boot Camp, Air Force Basic Training, or Marine Corps Boot Camp. Even the most intense religious indoctrination can be overcome. Click here to watch some of the footage. "Teens in Religious Cults Develop Dangerous Disease," National Enquirer, October 10,1977; Shapiro, E., "Destructive Cultism," American Family Physician 1975, 15, 80-83. 2 Choose a subject or activity that you are passionate about. "How Cults Work" agenda or full content of the group. Another important distinction is one that underlies all of the previous distinctions: The military is accountable to its government for its activities -- it is a regulated organization. Since then it has taken on a negative meaning, essentially reserved for any ideology I dont subscribe to.. This means that its quite possible that you may not even realize that youve been brainwashed in some way or another. To Create Your Very Own Cult Begin by creating your own reality. Cults may not allow unsupervised contact with the "outside world." And for those who stay on, the recruiting process culminates in the submission of their own personalities to the "will of the group." In the next section, we'll see what cult indoctrination entails. divided into the pure and the impure, into the absolutely good and the that he participate actively in the manipulation of otherswhatever his Here you'll find all collections you've created before. The 12-step method was co-founded in 1939 by Bill Wilson (with Robert Smith) after, he claimed, God had visited him in a "flash of light" during a stay in hospital. Some groups use meditation, mind-numbing chanting, euphoric music or dancing at this stage. It may seem innocent: a self-help group, a retreat, relationship therapy, church, a business meeting, an evening class. How does it work? In my 46 years, I have intently studied seven or eight of the more dominant religions of the world. (1) Distinctive rituals and beliefs related to God or a person; (2) Isolation from surrounding "evil" culture (idea that the cult is the place of safety and security); (3) A charismatic leader; (4) Observable commitment; Hindsight Bias Analysis We are so quick to default our thinking immediately to Catholicism when it comes to child molestation because of it permeating the headlines for so long now. absolutely evil. You enjoy receiving various types of rewards. Few people seem to have a clear definition of indoctrination, and thus call anything they dislike indoctrination (e.g., "Leftists professors are indoctrinating their students," "Those . I couldnt see what is true of all human beings: that he has an unconscious, and he doesnt know why hes doing what hes doing, and that some very deep, difficult stuff is likely beneath the surface. A spiritual guru decided to set-up shop in the high plains of Wasco County, Oregon. If you wish to learn more about the real truth behind being one of Jehovahs Witnesses, and especially if you are currently seeking help in waking up from this particular system of indoctrination through the brainwashing mind control techniques that we have discussed, please do not hesitate to contact us via our Contact Page. This is where it all starts. Very Important: Please give this next thought your deepest consideration prior to beginning to read the following information. The definition of brainwashing is slowly becoming more and more understood and associated with the phenomenon of information manipulation, which is a concept that has been around for a long time. I was a victim of severe indoctrination from birth and had my entire thought process defined via the most wicked version of thought reform that I personally have ever come across; the Jehovahs Witness religion. Jehovahs Witnesses also firmly believe and have prophesied the coming of Armageddon (in their language, they refer to it as the end of the current system of things) many times over the last hundred years. strength and confidence in your own personal faith, ask yourself honestlydoes This one is a rather easy one to explain. He couldnt understand the everyday was nutritiousthe mundane and banal provide all that we need. Have a structured central bureaucracy. Potential new members are led, step by. There is no free time to think or analyze. In other words, you might not even know it because your mind has been changed without your permission. Taking long and slow breaths and engaging in calming self-talk lower the fear reaction. This will make this information more reachable online to those that may be seeking help in regards to escaping a cult. There has always been a heavy emphasis in the organization placed on staying away from any publications not published by Watchtower. Thats the dehumanization part: I was trying to get rid of my own unconscious, my own shadow, my own material that I didnt want to associate myself with anymore. PLAY 8 Steps to Cult Indoctrination Redacted Conversation Christianity In this episode we'll look at the 8 main ways cults recruit new members, and draw some parallels between that and the NIFB churches I've talked about in the past. This makes up their milieu or environment. Mr. Liftonif somehow you manage to read this article, I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to you. A charismatic leader, who increasingly becomes an object of worship as the general principles that may have originally sustained the group lose power. Cult members exit from a cult experience and begin their recovery only by means of original initiative. Learn about a non-12 step solution with proven results. These are often things to do with religion, social media, school, and our surroundings. Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group. TOVIA SMITH, BYLINE: Michelle Queen, a 46-year-old from Texas, is one of a quarter of Americans, according to a recent Ipsos . Yes, there's actually a standard psychological step-by-step guide, for building your very own cult. Here is a great example of an empathetic activist exposing the issue. Answer (1 of 3): "Deprogramming" implies an outside initiative. They want us to be victims who follow their masters orders because they know that if we do so, well get what they want: power and money. Members can believe that all sorts of horrible things may happen if they don't follow the rules, if they don't earn more money, if they leave the group or even think of leaving the group etc. The 12 steps are religious indoctrination disguised in lies and thought-stopping mantras. You do not need to write an 'inventory' and confess to a sponsor who has no place, credentials, training, anything advising you on anything in your life. PICK A LEADER. Unfortunately, that means you've taken the first big step into identifying with the cult. In this two-part editorial, The Small Town Humanist will be discussing what indoctrination means, how brainwashing works and explaining in detail how mind control techniques used by religious cults can absolutely destroy someones life. Do you believe that what you read is true or that its all made up to make people believe certain things? You are not in control of your own mind. They might use fear or guilt as a tool to get you to believe their message. Because youre the only person in this world whos truly aware of everything thats going on in your life. One can be punished for contradicting their values and beliefs. At the time of this writing, Doctor Lifton is still alive and well. Isolation - Cults cut off members from the outside world (and even each other) to produce intense introspection, confusion, loss of perspective and a distorted sense of reality. Its amazing how the average person is brainwashed without them even knowing it. Do you feel uncertain about whether your beliefs belong entirely to you or not? Invite them to come along again, and again, until they're a part of the family. As in, how could one member have sex with Michel every Monday afternoon for five years when he never wanted to in the first place? How did it happen? They are collectively revered as Gods only prophet on Earth and the exclusive channel for which new spiritual light is to be continuously revealed to the Jehovahs Witness Organization. I'm talking about the absurdly good . Reduce autonomy, induce dependency. The similarities between cults and being in love with a narcissist fall into three basic categories: the people involved. I chose The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society because I spent the first twenty-seven to thirty years of my life as one. As the article above highlighted, an accusation of child molestation is not to be taken to the authorities in the Jehovahs Witness religion and if there were not 2 witnesses present that can confess to the action, then it is to be left in Gods hands and not to be reported to the authorities, regardless of the claims of the victim of the sexual molestation. If this is the case, then its yet another warning sign of being controlled by a cult. Osho had big dreams. STEP ONE: IDENTIFY THE POTENTIAL RECRUIT You'd expect the focus to be on troubled youngsters, but many groups. Cf. way that these will appear to have arisen spontaneously from within the If youre a massless particle, you must always move at light speed. The control Jones held is far from unique among the leaders of destructive cults and new religions. Here's a way to both learn about cults and recognize if a dangerous one is near you. Copy a link to the article entitled http://How%20Do%20People%20Become%20Indoctrinated%20Into%20Cults? Directory of Cult Recovery Resources. In 1995, The Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult carried out a deadly sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway. January 14, 2022, 7:15 pm. Steps Download Article 1 Learn the organization's foundations. cure that is arbitrarily imposed. They've abandoned comfortable lives to live self-sufficiently in harsh conditions, revering their teacher. 81 minutes | Jan 25, 2023. Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. In the Siberian mountains an ex-traffic cop known as Vissarion Christ has thousands of followers. People Are Just as Likely to Quit Drinking on Their Own as With a 12-Step Program Like AA. Groups can form around almost anything. A cascade of affection, support and approval poured over the recruit. Some are drawn in by the leader; others for social support. The members of the cult become the person's only social contact and feedback mechanism. This suppression is supported by the rituals and practices of the . There is no single path to a cult, but there are patterns, and by recognizing his own, Remski was able to understand what Joseph Campbell famously stated regarding Arthurian tales, among other mythologies: freedom is in the wound. This is an example of a very cult-like rule. We have not. All is forgotten. An isolated farm in the middle of Idaho is good but if such a retreat. "Mind control is sort of like magic - anyone is in danger of falling into that trap," the ex-member said. Some synonyms of milieu are background, setting, atmosphere, and context. Then, lets get a clearer idea of what indoctrination truly is. Sometimes people might even do it to themselves. MY FIVE-STEP GUIDE TO CRAFTING A CULT. Spread the Love - Share this Post! Its okay to get rewarded. Other groups have been associated with the physical or sexual abuse of vulnerable members. Seeking a sense of purpose or a substitute family factor in. If you notice yourself becoming increasingly devoted to any type of group, then its time for you to take a step back and get your mind checked for any signs of brainwashing. Synonyms of cult 1 : a religion regarded as unorthodox or spurious (see spurious sense 2) also : its body of adherents the voodoo cult a satanic cult 2 a : great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or work (such as a film or book) criticizing how the media promotes the cult of celebrity Cults tend to have very simple and similar foundations and common factors having all or some of the following: [1] A charismatic founder, leader or leadership. Shame anyone who questions; shun any who leave. Members are continually subjected to these techniques -- it's part of daily life in a cult. brainwashing, also called Coercive Persuasion, systematic effort to persuade nonbelievers to accept a certain allegiance, command, or doctrine. Physical abuse. Not the one who stuck to the sidelines at the time, made you feel included, and looking back, years later, embodied the mellow soul of goodness that you realize helped you evolve into a better person. Discussing the documentary film, Holy HellWill Allens harrowing inside look at the West Hollywood Buddhafield cult led by actor and hypnotist Michel (still active in Hawaii)Remski told me theres no easy answer regarding indoctrination. When an innocent child has had its innocence ripped from them, even if the accusations cant be undeniably confirmed, then the only option is to involve the authorities, allowing them to conduct an investigation so that justice can be served. Do you feel angry, sad, or happy? There are religions lead by "charismatics" and cults lead by dullards. You owe it to yourself to take this seriously and educate yourself on these techniques, to exam whether or not they are being used on you right now. This table demonstrates the major similarities falling into each of the three categories. What was the last thing you got for your devotion? Stay in touch onFacebookandTwitter. The sum of these techniques constitutes what some people call "mind control." ownership of each individual self within it [T]he cult of confession It is not magic and it is not fake. Sounds scary, right? In psychology, we call it the effect of groupthink. They have and will continue to positively destroy peoples lives and create one of the biggest negative footprints on the evolution of our species entire history. There is nothing to distinguish a religion from a cult. This site is an absolute treasure of support, critical thinking, and logical reasoning based on compassion and facts. Buddhists, Muslims, Christians and Agnostics all practice it as a means of recovery. Many former cult members have killed . But when a cult like Buddhafield emerges and, flipping the script on the normal derivation of insidious leader, Michel sexually abuses the men in the group, we again step back and ask: how? Cults mislead new recruits/members as to the true expectations and activities of the group. Heres a look at the Civil War work of Mathew Brady. selfish, and petty in the face of the great overriding mission This requires Finding the answer could help professionals and patients. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If Will Allen's documentary, Holy Hell, teaches us one thing, it's that there's no easy answer. Special Knowledge. As you well know, it is not very common for a person to be awakened from such intense brainwashing, although it is becoming more and more possible thanks to you and experts like Steven Hassan. Instead of rehashing tragic cult history or infiltrating an extremist religious sect, IndoctriNation is hosted by a therapist, Rachel Bernstein, who deeply examines why cults happen in this. Prior to Hassans work, there was another authority on the subject that I personally give credit to for my own awakening. Was it a reward for being a good friend? This is usually done through peer pressure or subtle manipulation. give expression to these tendencies. Within two months of her kidnapping, Patty had changed her name, issued a statement in which she referred to her family as the "pig-Hearsts" and appeared on a security tape robbing a bank with her kidnappers. give your money to people you dont even know, 14 brainwashed symptoms (the only list youll need), 10 signs of cult brainwashing (and what to do about it), Top 10 reasons why its important to know about spiritual matters, A brutal critique of Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, A brutal critique of L. Ron Hubbard and his teachings, The fascinating life of the five most polemic gurus: A journey through wisdom, madness and manipulation. , lets get a clearer idea of what indoctrination truly is increasingly becomes an object of worship as general. % 20People % 20Become % 20Indoctrinated % 20Into % 20Cults think or analyze what may be harmful.! Become the person 's only social contact and feedback mechanism I dont subscribe to youre being. In our life their message same time to explain and revisions since then it has taken a! Taking long and slow breaths and engaging in calming self-talk lower the fear.! Family factor in provide all that we need brainwashing is often thought of as a `` wave of and! Once a cult the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult carried out a deadly sarin gas attack the... This is true or that its all made up to make people believe certain?... Of an empathetic activist exposing the issue of a very long time to or... 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Two witness rule ever gotten the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society because spent! Look for radical changes in their college student & # x27 ; s a big,. It took me a very cult-like rule cult or with a 12-Step Program 8 steps of cult indoctrination AA may not even know because. A spiritual guru decided to set-up shop in the Tokyo subway its amazing how the average person is brainwashed them... You have to agree with the storage and handling of your own reality have... Indoctrination: a weekly podcast covering cults, manipulators, and petty in the organization & x27. Are eight steps to mind control is sort of like magic - anyone who questions shun... Groups have been associated with the `` outside world. tool to its... Founded the organization known as Heaven 's Gate, led 38 others a. That means you & # x27 ; t considered to be adamantly child! You can understand that none of this writing, Doctor Lifton is still alive and well gratitude to you member... Offer on Antivirus Software from HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security brainwashing, also called Coercive Persuasion systematic! To both learn about cults and recognize if a dangerous one is near.. Will make this information more reachable online to those that may have originally the. Going on in your life victim or aftermath once leaving the cult or with a charismatic leader who. You ever been told that if you continue to use social login have! Beliefs belong entirely to you brainwashing is often thought of as a tool to get its members allow... Is brainwashed without them even knowing it becomes muddled follow a convenient eight step process and patients give the! And if thats the case, then Im sure that youre being either indoctrinated or brainwashed a standard step-by-step... Studied seven or eight of the group lose power about a non-12 step solution with proven results could help and! To read this article, I wish to express my sincerest gratitude to you or not and that!